

May 20, 2023

6 Generative AI Features Reportedly Coming To Instagram

From AI stickers to labels for AI-generated content, here is a sneak peak at new generative AI features reportedly coming to Instagram.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Meta aims to integrate generative artificial intelligence (AI) features into Instagram and its suite of social media platforms for increased user engagement and satisfaction.

From AI-enabled content labeling and comment generation to bright stickers and chatbots, these novel features promise to redefine the user experience, hinting at a future where interactions are automated but intelligently personalized.

As Meta ushers in this new era, industry stakeholders and users alike are keen to see how AI’s inexorable march will shape the social media world.

Mobile developer Alessandro Paluzzi has shared six generative AI features you may see coming to Instagram soon.

To distinguish and identify content influenced by AI, Instagram is developing a system to label such content.

#Instagram is working to label the contents created or modified by #AI in order to be identified more easily 👀

— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) July 30, 2023

This development forms part of a broader initiative by Instagram to increase the application of AI in various platform functionalities.

Another aspect of Instagram’s generative AI initiative is AI-generated direct message summaries.

#Instagram is working on a new feature for Direct messages: Message Summary 👀

This new tool will likely be powered by #Meta #AI

— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) July 30, 2023

With the potential to revolutionize communication and interaction on the platform, the tool is set to enhance the user experience by providing a synopsis of conversations.

The precise mechanics of this feature are yet to be revealed. It is widely anticipated to involve some level of AI-driven analysis to capture the essence of conversations.

Instagram is also harnessing the power of AI to facilitate photo editing.

#Instagram is working on an AI tool for the Story editor to remove unwanted objects from photos 👀

— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) July 18, 2023

An AI tool in the works for the Story editor would allow users to remove unwanted objects from photos. This could be a substantial upgrade to the current editing options and a testament to the immense capabilities of AI.

Meanwhile, AI stickers in Stories are another AI-powered feature Instagram could release in the upcoming months.

#Instagram is working on the ability to use #AI stickers in Stories as well 👀

— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) June 22, 2023

Offering an additional layer of engagement and personalization, these stickers are designed to be interactive and reusable.

#Instagram keeps working on AI stickers 👀

ℹ️ People in the chat will see your prompt if you send the sticker.ℹ️ AI stickers may be reused by others and #Meta may use your phrases to improve the sticker experience

— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) June 5, 2023

More intriguingly, Instagram plans to provide the ability to generate comments using AI.

#Instagram is working on the ability to generate comments with #AI 👀

— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) June 16, 2023

The intent behind this feature is unclear, and it potentially raises concerns about the authenticity of interactions on the platform.

Finally, Instagram is toying with incorporating AI chatbots in messages.

#Instagram is working on bringing AI Agents (Bots 🤖) to your chats for a more fun and engaging experience 👀

ℹ️ AI Agents will be able to answer questions and give advice.You'll be able to choose from 30 different personalities.

— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) June 5, 2023

The AI-powered agents would be able to answer questions and give advice. In addition, they also come with 30 different personalities, offering a more dynamic and engaging chatting experience.

However, it is critical to note that with the increased integration of AI, Instagram also intends to establish a level of transparency about its use.

As noted in the most recent earnings call, Meta credited AI developments for increasing user engagement.

This expansion of AI use in Instagram has several implications for the marketing industry. It signals a shift toward more automated and intelligent interactions on social media, potentially transforming how brands engage with audiences.

Understanding these changes and adapting strategies accordingly will be vital to leveraging Instagram for maximum brand visibility and engagement.

Featured image: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock